Advenio eAcademy Malta

Erasmus +

Erasmus+ has opportunities for people of all ages, helping them develop and share knowledge and experience at institutions and organisations in different countries. For nearly 30 years, the EU has funded the Erasmus programme, which has enabled over three million European students to spend part of their studies at another higher education institution or with an organisation in Europe.

Erasmus+ brings such opportunities to all – students, staff, trainees, teachers, volunteers and more. It’s not just about Europe or Europeans either – with Erasmus+, people from all over the world can access opportunities.

Erasmus+ is the EU’s programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. 

The 2021-2027 programme places a strong focus on social inclusion, the green and digital transitions, and promoting young people’s participation in democratic life.

It supports priorities and activities set out in the European Education Area, Digital Education Action Plan and the European Skills Agenda.


Advenio eAcademy launched its accredited online programmes in 2013 as part of its vision for improved remote learning to entrepreneurs and SMEs EU through elearning. This vision included a very open international perspective to online education. It called for sourcing of faculty internationally though collaboration agreements with various European universities and academics, and for the sourcing of students internationally. By 2016, the need to form part of a larger EU framework was recognised and an application was filed for membership of the Erasmus+ Charter. In 2017, Advenio eAcademy became a member for the Charter and started to participate in Erasmus+ programmes. Since then it has been project leader on four Erasmus+ projects involving partners from Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Slovakia, Turkey, and Ukraine.

The successful application for EU funding enabled Advenio eAcademy to develop significantly. It developed its international network through collaboration agreements for Erasmus+ projects with leading European universities and relevant organisations. It benefitted from a transfer of knowledge and best practices through such programmes.

Advenio eAcademy remains committed to international collaboration for the continued development of its programmes and plans to expand its Erasmus+ collaborations in the years ahead. The national agency EUPA certifies Advenio eAcademy’s MHEI-ME Master’s Degree in Entrepreneurship as good practice for 2020.

For more information on the Erasmus + you can also visit their website
