Advenio eAcademy Malta

His Excellency Mr. Santos Alvaro, Ambassador of the Republic of Mozambique to Italy and Malta, Mr. Karl Farrugia Wismayer, Hon consul of the Republic of Mozambique in Malta and Mr. Stephen D’Alessandro, Executive Director of Advenio eAcademy.

Visit by Ambassador of the Republic of Mozambique to Italy and Malta

On the 21st February 2024 Advenio eAcademy was delighted to host at their offices in Blackley’s Business Centre in Pieta’ his Excellency Mr. Santos Alvaro, Ambassador of the Republic of Mozambique to Italy and Malta. The ambassador was accompanied by his advisor Ms. Alcinda Salvado and by the Hon Consul of the Republic of Mozambique in Malta, Mr. Karl Farrugia Wismayer. The scope of the meeting was to explore areas of collaboration in the field of tertiary education, particularly that related to entrepreneurship.

His Excellency Alvaro spoke about the many opportunities for investment and development in his country which lies in the southern part of Africa along the Indian Ocean coastline. He commented that whilst the national language is Portuguese there was a growing fluency in the English language in many parts of the country. He spoke about the on-going support his country receives from Portugal in the field of education, with tertiary school fees being heavily subsidised to encourage continued study by youths in Mozambique.  His Excellency highlighted the fact that with a population of more than 32 million and a high proportion of youths, his country was in a position to benefit from the rapid economic growth and social development being seen in throughout Africa. He was confident that international collaboration will further accelerate this growth and development in his country.

Mr. D’Alessandro introduced Advenio eAcademy as a licensed further and higher education institution that provided a broad range of accredited online and blended learning programmes in Malta. These programmes included a Level 7 90 ECTS credit Master’s Degree in Entrepreneurship, a level 6 180 ECTS credit Bachelor’s Degree in Entrepreneurship including ARPEL, Level 5 90 ECTS credit undergraduate higher diploma programmes in SME Management and Social Entrepreneurship as well as 10 ECTS credit programmes in Management of an NGO and SME Management (CPD). Mr. D’Alessandro spoke about the effectiveness of online learning when reaching out to adult learners that already had various work and personal commitments. He looked forward to opportunities for collaboration allowing them to reach out and provide quality European degree programmes to motivated students in Mozambique prepared to dedicate themselves to reach the high standards of EU accredited programmes.

Mr. Farrugia Wismayer spoke about the excellent relations between the two countries and his own role in supporting any bilateral business and cultural activities. He looked forward to further developments in the field and agreed to follow-up on the matter with His Excellency the Ambassador on his return to Rome where he is based.
