Advenio eAcademy Malta

Continued Development & Implementation of the Award in NGO Management – 2023

Continued Development & Implementation of the Award in NGO Management – 2023

Advenio eAcademy along with its NGO project partners, SOS Malta, Friends of Korce, Albania and CARDET, Cyprus are pleased to confirm the ongoing progess in the development and implementation of the Erasmus+ Key Action 2 project, NGO Mng+ 2022-2-MT01-KA210-ADU-000093880. This project seeks to implement the provisions of the Horizontal Priority related to addressing digital transformation through development of digital readiness, resilience and capacity. It provides improved availability of high-quality learning opportunities for adults and promotes Erasmus+ as an enabler of such adult learning. The project addresses the following key topics: Economic and financial affairs (including funding issues); Entrepreneurial learning within the context of third sector organisations. The two key objectives of the project were to:-

  1. build on the successful completion of a previously funded project (Ref no: 2021-1-MT)1-KA210-ADU-000034017) which resulted in the development, and MFHEA (Malta, the Malta Further & Higher Education Authority) accreditation of the previously developed unaccredited self-learning programme as an EQF/MQF 10 ECTS credits Level 5 online accredited Award in NGO Management, and upgrade the case study component and add another participating country.
  2. Promote the online accredited programme by hosting two intakes for participants from Malta, Cyprus and Albania offering full scholarships for participation in the programme.

The programme was designed to address issues and concerns of management within third sector organisations, particularly those related to improved management and corporate governance practices. These included: Council members, Trustees, board members on NGO organisations, particularly those in a non-executive role; Senior Management within NGO organisations that are responsible for the implementation of the policies and directives set by their Board or Council; Middle management staff within NGO organisations that seek to develop their management competencies to take on more responsibility within their organisation; Non-NGO executives and decision makers that are involved in the regulation and co-ordination of NGO affairs.

Commencing in January 2023, the project implementation is progressing well on the basis of the project implementation plan drawn up on commencement. The excellent rapport between the project partners and the regular project management and operations meetings have led to a timely implementation of project tasks and activities. The 2022 programme content has been reviewed and updated where necessary, including additional detail to the case studies that form an integral part of the programme. In April 2023, Intake 1 was launched and this was successfully completed in June 2023.

Arrangements are being made for the hosting of Intake 2 which will commence in September 2023. Individuals from within the third sector, be they members of NGOs or voluntary organisations, are most welcome to participate in this intake. Applications are to be made online through the Advenio eAcademy website on the following link:

For further details on the programme and its content visit or contact us on
