Advenio eAcademy Malta

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Award in Financial Management of Small Business

EQF/MQF* Level 6 - *European Qualification Framework/Malta Qualification Framework
  • Description

This module is arranged to provide learners with compatible financial management skills orienting them to small business specifics. During the module learners will be provided with basics of financial accounting, helping them to read the financial statements and identify the financial risks of the company as well as financial ratio’s calculations and interpretations, which will lead the learner to decision making on financial data and value creating to the small business company. Furthermore, this module oriented to critical thinking and solution finding, using different techniques and instruments of analysis.

The model is divided into the following topics:

  1. Financial accounting information: understanding main financial statements and the financial information they provide (4 sessions);
  2. Fundamentals of performance evaluation: key performance indicators, liquidity, solvency measures. The effects of company’s leverage, profitability and risk (4 sessions).
  3. Financial Management methods and measures: Break-even point, time-value (3 sessions).
  4. Bankruptcy forecasting models (1 session).

Each topic consists of a theoretical basis and practical examples – case studies. Learners will be provided with digital templates of presented analysis techniques for self-testing.

Course details
Duration 6 Weeks
Level EQF/MQF Level 6
Credits: 8 ECTS
Price: Online – Eur 890 & Blended – Eur 1,350
Delivery: Online Learning & Blended Learning

Course Categories
