Advenio eAcademy Malta

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Award in Fund Raising for Social Enterprises

EQF/MQF* Level 5 - *European Qualification Framework/Malta Qualification Framework
  • Description

This module provides an overall understanding for the fundraising of social enterprises. It will present the strategies and methods of fundraising. Funding sources will be introduced by also focusing on Startup financing and business planning. Emerging trends in fundraising will be emphasized as well.


1. Defining the social enterprise

2. Funding sources

3. Emerging trends in funding

4. Startup financing for impact investment

5. Business planning

6. Risk assessment of your social enterprise

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to:

a) deal with the business planning process for fundraising purposes

b) carry out tasks for risk management and due diligence

c) ensure the type of the social enterprise is aligned with the investment model

d) follow new trends in fundraising and adapt

e) manage impact investment for the enterprise


ECTS Credits : 4

Duration : 3 Weeks

Assessment Methods:

  • Assignment / Case-Study – 1 (Contributes towards 60% of the module)
  • Forum Discussions – 2 (Contributes towards 20% of the module)
  • Tutorial Participation – 2 tutorial sessions (Contributes towards 20% of the module)

50% Marks in aggregate from the course works is required for getting pass in the module.

Course details
Duration 3 weeks
Level EQF/MQF Level 5
Credits: 4 ECTS
Price: Online – Eur 310 & Blended – Eur 410
Delivery: Online Learning & Blended Learning in Malta

Course Categories
