Advenio eAcademy Malta

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Evidence-Based Nursing

EQF/MQF* Level 6 - *European Qualification Framework/Malta Qualification Framework
  • Description

This module will support students in developing skills and knowledge so that they are able to understand and apply evidence in practice for the benefit of patient care. Students will identify an issue arising from their area of clinical practice or experience and will be guided in developing this into a focused question. Consequently, students will be steered through the process finding evidence to answer the formed question. Having found appropriate research papers, students will develop critical appraisal skills in order to determine if the evidence found can be implemented. Issues relating to the introduction of evidence into the clinical environment and strategies for managing change will be addressed. This module will also introduce students to research and literature retrieval principles.

The module comprises of the following 6 sessions.

  1. Introduction to Evidence-Based Nursing
  2. Searching for Evidence
  3. Critically Appraising Research Evidence
  4. Evidence Synthesis and Implementation
  5. Applying Evidence in Practice
  6. Evaluation of the Outcomes of a Practice Decision or Change