Advenio eAcademy Malta


Szent István University (SZIU), is one of Hungary’s most prominent institutions of higher education, and consists of seven different faculties for study and research hosting approximately 14,000 students. The university campuses, located throughout the country, are home to some beautiful buildings in Hungary, offering students and staff a comfortable, relaxing environment for the attainment of knowledge. With parts of its history dating back well over two centuries, SZIU blends Hungary’s rich traditions with cutting-edge technology to meet the needs of its students in today’s competitive labour markets.

Within the seven faculties degree programs are offered in a wide variety of subjects ranging from natural sciences, engineering and veterinary medicine to business, economics, social sciences, health sciences and pedagogy. Programmes are available at every level from vocational training to PhD and beyond.

Szent István University, one of Hungary’s largest institutions of higher education, was founded in 2000 by the merger of the University of Veterinary Science in Budapest, Ybl Miklós Technical College, the Teachers’ Training College of Jászberény and the University of Agriculture in Gödöllő. Later on, in 2009, Tessedik Sámuel College merged with SZIE as well.

The university headquarters are located in Gödöllő, but altogether 7 different faculties for study and research in Budapest, Jászberény, Békéscsaba, Szarvas and Gyula host more than 14000 students. Some of the schools in Szent István University have more than a century of history.

SZIU understands the importance of internationalization and promotes a variety of international activities. With partners on almost every continent, SZIU students and staff can operate on a global scale to gain and share the essential knowledge for success in the globalized world. SZIU sees this as a cornerstone for a more secure future and are proud to be a vital part of it.

As of 1st February 2021 the university has become part of the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences.