The Institute shall be known as the Malta Institute of Professional Photography or M.I.P.P. The main objective being the furtherance and improvement of photography and photography practitioners in all aspects.
In September 2019, Advenio eAcademy and the Malta Institute of Professional Photographers (MIPP) entered into a strategic collaboration agreement for the provision of quality online and blended learning programmes in photography and videography. This collaboration will enable the MIPP to supplement its current range of on-site courses in photography for the local community of photography enthusiasts. This collaboration will now enable MIPP to provide a wider range of courses in photography and videography which can also be followed by an international audience.
The Malta Institute of Professional Photography (or M.I.P.P.) has been set up to improve the technical knowledge and professional status as well as the image of persons involved in the Photographic Industry. It is also dedicated to achieve and maintain standards in professional practice and conduct for the benefit of photography and buyers of photography. Its role is also to safeguard, monitor and deal with matters which affect professional photography.
It is also the purpose of the MIPP to be an authoritative voice for professional photographers and the trade in order to be able to lobby on issues concerning the working photographer.
A great deal has been achieved since the Institute has been in operation, (the first meeting was held on the 30th of July, 1996). The Institute’s main aim is to run on a professional as well as on a commercial basis and this has been fully achieved.
In these few years, the MIPP has become the professional photographer’s voice with the Government, it has run international Seminars and Conventions aimed at improving the skills of its members. It regularly organises photographic exhibitions and fora as well as strives to make the public more aware of the local photographer and his products.
The MIPP has also instituted Malta’s own Photographic Distinctions and Qualifications, running these on the same lines as those of other European Countries. Keeping abreast of the changing needs of the profession, the MIPP is also a member of the Federation of European Photographers (FEP). The purpose of the MIPP is to continue to improve, teach and collaborate in all spheres of the Photographic circuit, both locally as well as internationally.