Advenio eAcademy Malta

Participation at the 18th HSSS National & International Conference

Participation at the 18th HSSS National & International Conference


Contact info: Prof. Jenny Pange,

The Director and Members of the Laboratory of New Technologies and Distance Learning of the University of Ioannina in Greece as well as the director of AeA in Malta and members of the Arpel4entrep project ”Bachelor in Entrepreneurship” (AeA, Malta), successfully presented their papers at the18th National & International Conference ”The Value of Systemic Thinking in Our VUCA World”, which was jointly organised by the Hellenic Society for Systemic Studies (HSSS),  with the Department of Accounting and Finance, University of West Attica in Greece. The Conference was online, from 15th to 17th December 2022, Athens, Greece.

Professor Jenny Pange, the Director of the Laboratory of New Technologies and Distance Learning, co-authored with Mr Stephen D’Allessandro (AeA, Malta), presented a paper about supporting entrepreneurial education through project-based learning. Mr Stephen D’Allessandro is the mastermind of the Erasmus +, Arpel4entrep project (2020), which was launched in partnership with 7 other universities and organisations, including the University of Ioannina in Greece. The scope of the project is to leverage the infrastructure and competencies of the partners in e-learning and the collective expertise and resources of the partners in creating a program which would encourage entrepreneurs to accredit and recognize their prior experience and learning as part of a Bachelor’s degree in Entrepreneurship. Professor Pange emphasized the importance of using project-based learning and collaborations in entrepreneurial education.

The other presentation was ”Applications of Data Collection, Representation and Analysis in Entrepreneurship” and was presented by the ARPEL4Entrep project-members and students (Vasiliki Manglara, Alina Degteva, Christos Manglaras and Prof Jenny Pange).  The aim of this study was to compare two ICT tools (Waze & Google Maps) for data collection, representation, and analysis. According to the authors, these ICT tools adapt to the needs of the VUCA world and offer their customers solutions that respond quickly to their needs.

Τhe participants of the session highly appreciated the prepared presentations and were interested in collaborations with the speakers.

The 18th National & International Conference ”The Value of Systemic Thinking in Our VUCA World” was a great opportunity for systemic specialists from Europe and the rest of the world to meet and emulate each other in order to decompartmentalise the specialist approaches of the different disciplines. Combining theoretical, methodological and practical approaches, systems thinking contributes to the construction of synergies between different disciplines, thus encouraging the development of theoretical models, modelling and decision-making methods, and practical tools at the service of society.

Caption: Screenshot of the HSSS Video conference session
Caption: Screenshot of the HSSS Video conference session

