Advenio eAcademy Malta

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Award in Delivering your products

EQF/MQF* Level 4 - *European Qualification Framework/Malta Qualification Framework
  • Description

A fundamental part of an eCommerce business is the concept of delivering the products to the customer in an efficient manner. It focuses on the importance of putting the customer at the centre of the business, ensuring that any management decision is made with the customer’s best interests. This module addresses the intricate and complex product design process and development, order fulfilment, logistics and distribution, understanding the ‘always connected’ consumer, integrating sales channels into a seamless experience and customer relationship management.

This module will cover the following 6 topics:.

  • Product design and development
  • Order fulfilment
  • Logistics and distribution
  • Understanding the always connected consumer
  • Integrating sales channels into a seamless experience
  • Customer relationship management

At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to:

  • Understand inventory tracking and inventory management strategy including Just in Time systems.
  • Analyse the logistic based operations required for the proper working of the eCommerce business.
  • Implement Enterprise resource planning, where a company, often a manufacturer, manages and integrates the important parts of its business.
  • Identify building blocks of customer-centric ecommerce site and the utilization of Customer Relationship Management in eCommerce.

Module will consist of the following learning hours:

Contact hours: 10 hours (pre-recorded lectures – 6 hrs, online tutorials – 3 hrs and online forums – 1 hrs)

Self-study: 11 hours (research on notes – 6 hrs and assessment – 5 hrs)

Assessment: 4 hours (finalisation of assessment) 

Learning Hours per module: 25 hours

Course Delivery: Part-Time

Language of Instruction: English

  • Pre-recorded lecture presentations and the respective slides will be made available to students on the e-learning platform
  • Discussions will be carried out via Video Conferencing and will be recorded for other students in the course to view.
  • Contact hours will also include contributions in Forum discussions where the tutor will assess the students’ posts and provide his/her own feedback.
  • Participating students will be presented with:
    Video presentation – 6 hours of audio-visual recording/module. This will include a presenter interviewing an expert in the field of the respective module that is being covered.
    Each hour will be split into 4 – 15minutes segments to allow for better access and download.
    Reading Material – additional reading materials for students to read and can better understand the topic
    FAQs – to assist students with basic questions that are normally asked on the topics
    Glossary – to assist students in having the correct information on key subject terms
    2 Online tutorial sessions per module
    2 online Forum discussions per module
    1 short Assignment per module
  • Tutorial participation 20%
  • Forum discussions 30%
  • Assignments 50% /
