Advenio eAcademy Malta

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Award in Good Governance for Social Enterprises

EQF/MQF* Level 5 - *European Qualification Framework/Malta Qualification Framework
  • Description

This module explores the way the social sector may improve its governance through an innovative approach, applied a methodology and implementing them once attended this module. The module will support the participants to improve the governance of the social enterprises in which they will work, or they work through their new skills, knowledges, competences and tools.

In fact, the module intends to give the participants a new approach to social enterprises governance based on efficiency and efficacy, maintaining the essence of the social enterprises which is the attention to the collective benefits of their actions.

The fact that the social enterprises should focus on the collective benefits of their actions doesn’t means that their governance should be worst of the other enterprises. It might be different, but it should be efficient.

During the module, practical methodologies will be introduced and discussed with the participants, either as stand-alone or as group process, using up-to-date technological tools.  

1. The role of social enterprises in society

2. The Roles on social Enterprises

3. The governance of Social Enterprises

4. Factors which may affect the governance

5. Innovation and governance

6. Tools for training on governance

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to:

a) To be a good member of staff

b) To participate at the general assembly

c) To be elected or appointed on the board

d) To manage apical position on social Enterprises

e) To be active member of the board, member of the social enterprises and/or staff

f) To be active as well as stakeholder

g) To participate at the enlargement of the network of the social enterprises

ECTS Credits : 4

Duration : 3 Weeks

Assessment Methods:

  • Assignment / Case-Study – 1 (Contributes towards 60% of the module)
  • Forum Discussions – 2 (Contributes towards 20% of the module)
  • Tutorial Participation – 2 tutorial sessions (Contributes towards 20% of the module)

50% Marks in aggregate from the course works is required for getting pass in the module.

Course details
Duration 3 weeks
Level EQF/MQF Level 5
Credits: 4 ECTS
Price: Online – Eur 310 & Blended – Eur 410
Delivery: Online Learning & Blended Learning in Malta

Course Categories
