+356 2134 2704 info@aea.academy

Micro-Credential Courses & Award in SME Management (CPD)


The programme is delivered in the English language and is fully online, comprising a number of micro-credit courses, each accredited at 1 ECTS credit. Successful completion of ten of the micro-credential courses entitles the participant to the 10 ECTS credit Award in SME Management (CPD). The programme is delivered on a part-time basis typically requiring one week (up to 4 weeks) to complete each micro-credential course.

The full Award programme would thus comprise a selection of ten of the twelve course modules offered and would typically be completed over a period of 10 weeks (up to 40 weeks). It is designed to cater for working professionals to improve their practical knowledge in different domains. The programme makes use of the recent technologies and tools which pave the path for professional and personal development. The individual awards provided in the programme are carefully selected in such a way to cover the principles of appropriative domains for the participants.

The main rationale of this course is that of translating theoretical knowledge to practical work situations so that at the end of the course the students will be able to participate in SME projects. The theory detail will be that of providing a background which upon completion of the course, both students and practitioners, can then decide whether to continue with their studies in SME Management at a higher level.

The course will provide tools and necessary knowledge and the skill in applying SME management practices which would help grow and support a business. This course will also be offered to students across faculty or professionals in different sectors such as Engineering, ICT, Finance, etc.

Application Form for Employers: 

Award in SME Management CPD / Micro Credit Courses: Apply Here

Click here to download the Investing in Skills (IIS) application guidelines

Scholarship Schemes for Maltese Employers:

Programme Fees:

Startup payment of 25% at application stage. The remaining 75% can be paid upon programme/course completion.

Individual modules – Eur160 (Duration up to 4 Weeks)
The full Online programme: Award in SME Management (CPD) (10 Modules – Duration up to 40 weeks) – Eur1,600 

For any additional information, kindly contact us on admin@aea.academy

Click here to download the Programme Leaflet

The courses to be part of the programme are:

Course Details

Award in SME Management (CPD)

EQF/MQF*: Level 5

*European Qualification Framework

/Malta Qualification Framework

Credits: 10 ECTS

Delivery & Duration:

Online – 40 weeks